OK, so you set up the software, MPLAB-X. Run it. Takes a short time to load up. Now, let's make a project. You don't need any hardware yet, just your PC. From the menu, select File, then New Project. Click Next. Type in the device as shown here, PIC16F15345. Click Next. Click on Simulator. Click Next. You probably won't have many, if any, of these. So click on Download Latest and follow any instructions. A compiler is a piece of software which takes what you write (this will be code in the C language) and compiles it into what the microprocessor understands (this is code in assembler language). We can look at this later. Once it's finished, you can select the XC8 Compiler and click Finish. Now fill in the boxes like this (replace YourName with whatever you log in as). Click Finish. You'll see a couple of panes like this: OK? Now you've made a project. It won't do anything yet, because you haven't told it what...
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